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DB Regio Bus Ost GmbH NL City Circle
Mannheimer Straße 33/34
10713 Berlin - Wilmersdorf
Phone: +49 (0) 30 29 75 7858
Managing Director:
Florian Szameit
Frank Nostitz
Registered office of the company: Berlin
Register court: Berlin HRB 251124 B
VAT ID No.: DE 168 194 674
Authorising authority:
Licences in accordance with §§ 43, 48, 49 of the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG) and Regulation (EEC) No. 684/92 are issued by the State Office for Citizens' and Regulatory Affairs, III C 3320, Puttkamerstraße Str. 16-18, D-10958 Berlin.
In fulfilment of our duty to provide information as an online retailer, we would like to inform you here about the online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform) provided by the EU for the out-of-court settlement of disputes between consumers and businesses.
You can access the ODR platform here.
DB Regio Bus Ost GmbH NL City Circle participates in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board. The competent consumer arbitration board is: söp Schlichtungsstelle für den öffentlichen Personenverkehr e. V. It can be contacted at the following address: Fasanenstraße 81, 10623 Berlin, Web:
All photos on this website are subject to copyright. Use or publication without written consent is prohibited!
All brands and trademarks mentioned on the website that may be protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable labelling law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners.
DB Regio Bus Ost GmbH NL City Circle
Mannheimer Straße 33/34
10713 Berlin - Wilmersdorf
Phone: +49 (0) 30 29 75 7858
Managing Director:
Florian Szameit
Frank Nostitz
Registered office of the company: Berlin
Register court: Berlin HRB 251124 B
VAT ID No.: DE 168 194 674
Authorising authority:
Licences in accordance with §§ 43, 48, 49 of the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG) and Regulation (EEC) No. 684/92 are issued by the State Office for Citizens' and Regulatory Affairs, III C 3320, Puttkamerstraße Str. 16-18, D-10958 Berlin.
In fulfilment of our duty to provide information as an online retailer, we would like to inform you here about the online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform) provided by the EU for the out-of-court settlement of disputes between consumers and businesses.
You can access the ODR platform here.
DB Regio Bus Ost GmbH NL City Circle participates in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board. The competent consumer arbitration board is: söp Schlichtungsstelle für den öffentlichen Personenverkehr e. V. It can be contacted at the following address: Fasanenstraße 81, 10623 Berlin, Web:
All photos on this website are subject to copyright. Use or publication without written consent is prohibited!
All brands and trademarks mentioned on the website that may be protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable labelling law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners.
Notes on image rights: show/hide
@ Maurice Tricatelle · Adobe Stock
@ Jan K. Tyrel · Fotograf Berlin
adobe Stock
Gundi Abramski
Sanssouci Express Bustour
Sanssouci Express Bustour
Sanssouci Express Bustour
Motivverwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung
Foto Jan K. Tyrel, Motiv CREN · Festival of Lights Berlin
Foto: Gundi Abramski
Foto: Gundi Abramski
Gundi Abramski
Adobe Stock
Sanssouci Express Bustour
Motivverwendung mit freundlicher Genehmigung
© AKTEone & CREN · Festival of Lights Berlin